Tuesday, January 5, 2010

So Much Has Changed

I had vowed to post more often to myself and life seems to happen quicker than we anticipate. I'm hoping to post more often knowing that it may not happen and I'm ok with that because the life that is happening is a wonderful and busy one with my two little munchkins that I adore with all my heart.

Their 3rd year has started out with a bang. We moved on their birthday (to Stewartville) and we are so happy with the decision we made. While there are things we're not crazy about in our new house the things we fell in love with have made it so worth while (I huge back yard that will be completely fenced in come spring, much more family space, a basement that's usable and a 2 1/2 car garage). The day that we moved we were busy moving and took a break to have their party and then went right on moving again. WOW.....I don't know many people that would do that but it worked. However, I'm so glad that we probably won't have to do that again for a VERY LONG TIME.

Christmas has been wonderful and is still in the process of completing itself because we have so many places we have to go that it takes time to get through them all. However, this year we cut off three weeks of celebrating as some families have decided that a gathering isn't feesable in the winter. It was a bummer at first but I now realize that it's a blessing in disguise because then we're not so crazy and have time remember what this holiday season is about.......the birth of Lord and Savior. Mind you; without him none of what we are would be possible.

This first half of the 3rd year is prooving to be challenging as they are learning of their world and questioning everything in it; including authority - mommy's none the less. GGGgggrrrrr! I simply keep reminding myself of that and then smile at them at tell them this has been mommy's favorite job so far. Leslie insists that mommy should get a new job when I get cross with him.

With all this said I'm going to sign off for now and try to post again tomorrow.

May God's love shineth upon you and make your heart warm as mine is!!