Many things to be thankful (and others not so much):
- healthy and thriving children - we were so lucky when they were born
- toddlers who are exploring their boundries with mom (not so much)
- A gracious God that loves us
- Children who want to pour their own juice all over the kitchen and living room floor because mommy is vacuuming their room (not so much)
- Children that love to read so much that they pull all the books of the shelf to bring them to mommy so she can read (isn't that so cute but oh so much work)
- The wonderful weather we are having which allows us to still be outside
- The fact that the holidays are soon upon us which means gift giving, cookies baking and a tree lit for wide eyes to look at
- The fact that the holidays hold so much traveling, running and a tree that will have to be watched so closely because there are 2 to 4 two years olds in this household on a daily basis (not so much)
It always amazes me that no matter how rough the day starts out when I look into their eyes things seem to melt away or when they come up to me and say "I wove ou" and give me a kiss. How is it that children know just what to say and when to give you luvs? It must be a gift from God because there is no other explanation.
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